Fully funded places on treatment programmes available for British Military Veterans with PTSD
Studies show that stress and trauma cause many physical changes throughout the body – not just mental. With this in mind, we believe that a combination of mental and physical therapies could be the best way to treat victims of traumatic stress.
To test our hypothesis that combining physical and psychological therapy is the best way to combat traumatic stress, we are offering 6 British military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) a complete trauma treatment programme that includes more than twenty-five hours of therapeutic contact in our centre. Their treatment programme will include both psychotherapy and craniosacral therapy.
The Impact
Our centre is one of the first to propose this dynamic approach to combating stress-induced trauma. Currently, the majority of trauma facilities only attempt to treat the psychological damage, but not the physical. We do not think this is enough.
If our studies show that combination therapy is effective, we can go on to inform a better way of treating people for psychological trauma in the future.
FAQ’s and information for potential participants:
What will I receive?
You will receive a course of treatment for your PTSD and follow up appointments at one month and at six months after treatment is completed.
What will it cost me?
You will receive a full treatment programme for your PTSD free of charge. Each place on the programme is valued at £3283, but as a research study participant your treatment programme will be provided at no cost to you. This is because the study is being funded by SafeHaven Trauma Centre and supporters who have donated funds in order for Veterans with PTSD to receive this treatment.
What do I have to do?
You will simply be required to attend your treatment sessions.
You will also be asked for your consent to anonymise your results from the treatment programme and combine this with additional anonymised results, from other participants, for use in the research studies.
What type of treatment will I receive?
Rather than focus on only psychological treatment, as most treatment for PTSD does, our treatment programme will combine psychotherapy with craniosacral therapy, to treat both the psychological and physical aspects of the condition.
Why are SafeHaven doing the study?
In our centre we have found combining both psychotherapy and craniosacral therapy to be highly effective for people recovering from PTSD. However there is very little published research in this area. This is why we are carrying out this study.
If I did not want to take part in the research can I still receive treatment?
Yes you can, however you would be required to pay for your treatment programme. The fully funded places, which enable people to receive treatment programmes at no cost to them, are only available to those who are also taking part in the research study.
If you would like to pay privately for a treatment programme please let us know and we will arrange an initial consultation to discuss your options.
What does ‘research study’ mean for me – do I have to ‘do’ anything?
No, you do not have to do anything except attend the full treatment programme.
During the treatment programme you will be asked to complete questionnaires, this is to establish the level of PTSD symptoms you are experiencing. You will also attend a sign-off session at the end of treatment.
What this means for you is that we will ask for your consent to anonymise all your information from the questionnaires and sign-off session for use in the studies.
How do I get more information on these research studies?
Full and detailed information sheets and a consent form for each study can be obtained by requesting an information pack. To request your pack you can simply email me at research@safehaventraumacentre.com or call the Centre and request one is posted out to you.
There are only 6 places available on this study, will more places available in the future?
Yes, we hope to raise further funds to continue offering British Military Veterans free treatment for their PTSD. Information on future studies will become available later in the year. If you may be interested please let us know and we will send out information as it becomes available.
If you have any questions and would like to talk to me about any of the above, please call me at the Centre on 0161 635 3522
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