FAQ for Retreats - SafeHaven Trauma Centre

How do I book on to a retreat?

Simply contact us, by completing the form on ‘retreat bookings’ or via telephone, and we will guide you through booking on to the retreat from there.


What in included in the retreat?

Included will be attendance at the retreat, all costs for attending any 3rd-party facilities, all therapies, all therapy materials, and any preparatory or post-retreat sessions detailed in the retreat-pack. Certain retreats also include refreshments, breakfast, lunch and dinner – please read the retreat-pack for details.


Who arranges the travel and accommodation for the retreat?

You are responsible for all your travel and accommodation needs to attend the retreat. The retreat-pack will detail the start and end times for each day of the retreat and the location. You will need to ensure you get yourself to the meeting point at the start of each day.


What do I need to bring?

Clothing etc. varies, depending on the activities you will be doing during the retreat. Please read the retreat-pack, which will provide a list of everything you need to bring along.


How do I know if a retreat is suitable for me?

After you complete the booking form that you will receive with the retreat-pack, we will arrange an initial 45minute consultation with one of our team. They will ask what your aims are from attending the retreat, and also about any medical and psychological treatment history. If you tell us about anything that we believe would render the retreat unsuitable for you, we will discuss this with you. If this occurs, we will let you know if there is a more suitable retreat that would better meet your needs.

If you have any questions before booking, please reach out and we will be happy to offer some guidance.



SafeHaven Trauma Centre