SafeHaven Support - SafeHaven Trauma Centre

SafeHaven Support

Please note: If your organisations subscribes to our tele-health support – please click here to book an appointment.

Our Tele-Health platform enables organisations to offer personnel crisis-support, trauma-responsive counselling and supervision of peer mental health networks.

Counselling support:  Promoting psychological well-being in the workplace and providing your employees with access to both trauma-responsive and general counselling. Our private and confidential service provides support through our tele-health platform. We also offer the option for face-to-face support in the UK.

Counselling support for Employees:

  • Private and confidential
  • CISM higher crisis mental health support
  • General and trauma-responsive counselling
  • Support via messenger, telephone or secure video link (worldwide)
  • Face-to-face counselling (UK)
  • Psychological assessment


Why call a counsellor?

Being human means having emotions and moods. Emotions and moods impact our physical and mental health, just as the state of our physical and mental health impacts our emotions and moods.

Having a safe and confidential space to discuss and explore the challenges we face in life, whether those challenges are at work or in our personal life, can help navigate a way forward that seems more manageable. This generally improves our mental and physical health, helps us feel happier, experience more level moods and we often find we can think more clearly and experience a renewed enthusiasm for our life.

People access counselling support for a whole range of different life challenges:












Our services provides access to CISM higher crisis mental health support, general and trauma-responsive counselling and psychotherapy.

At the initial consultation your therapist will discuss with you the most suitable approach, depending on your needs.


Support for peer mental health networks 

Ensuring you to meet best practice guidelines for managing the welfare of personnel providing peer support in the workplace; our tele-health platform provides your personnel with access to crisis and general mental health care professionals. From assistance on managing the psychological safety of another person, through to peer supervision or live psychological crisis management, this service is your access to support 365 days of the year

Supervision for peer mental health networks:

We provide access to crisis mental health and mental health awareness trainers and CISM higher mental health professionals for:

  • Mentoring
  • Supervision 
  • Incident support
  • General and trauma-responsive counselling



Simply contact us to discuss your organisations requirements.

SafeHaven Trauma Centre